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Secret Of Coffee

Many people have a negative perception of the views and coffee following the effects they experienced after drinking coffee . Indeed , some of which continue to put out coffee from a list of their daily drink . Maybe they are not aware of the fact that coffee benefits provide many benefits to the human body . I also believe that many more people who remain still own views and negative perception of coffee.

A statement on a website health page of Coffee & Health by the Institute for Scientific Information of Coffee ( ISIC ) of recent studies that prove the relationship between coffee consumption and neurodegenerative disorders such as cognitive decline , Alzheimer's disease , Parkinson's disease and stroke. Neuodegeneratif is a disease that is incurable and causes progressive degenarasi and / or death of nerve cells . This neurodegenerative disorder causing movement problems ( ataxias ) or mental function ( dementias ) .

It has also been demonstrated by several epidemiological studies . Official site of the World Health Organization ( WHO) defines as the study of the distribution of epidemiological studies of health -related activities and the application of the study of the control of diseases and other health problems . This study revealed that consumption of coffee in moderation significantly benefited cognitive ability with age increasing. The study also revealed the effect of coffee intake can slow the physiological and cognitive decline , particularly among women and those aged over 80 years.

Coffee is a beverage derived from coffee beans and was first introduced by the Romans and Greeks as early as the 13th century . Due kafeinnya content , coffee has a stimulating effect on those who drink coffee and today is one of the most popular beverages worldwide and is available in various flavors like Latte , Americano , Cappuccino and Espresso .

Now there are also a variety of health -based coffee drinks are available in the market such as Herbal Coffee and Coffee HPA Radix products . Herbal Coffee is very nutritious , especially for patients with diabetes, hypertension, kidney stones, migraine , gout , gastritis , asthma and constipation . In fact , this coffee can also help reduce wind in the body as recorded on the official website Herbal Coffee .

Coffee consumption in the rate of moderate customers will not be injurious to health but also will provide many benefits to human health despite the medication can be addictive . A scientific study of the effects of coffee consumption shows that the risk of type two diabetes are lower than those who did not drink coffee .

Studies also prove that the scientific equipment and increase cognitive function , coffee may reduce the risk of kidney stones , colon cancer and liver damage. In fact , coffee is also proven to increase the performance and durability of human physical activities . For those who frequently stay up late at night, ( stayed up ) , they will be more refreshed after drinking coffee .

For people with heart disease , diabetes , and hypertension, consumption of coffee will not have any negative impact on their health . However, the positive effects of coffee consumption only occurs if a person is drinking coffee in moderation in a day . Research has also shown that coffee has no cardiovascular effects such as increased heart rate , heart rate instability and high blood pressure . In fact, the risk of cardiovascular disease was 10 percent lower .

A patient with hypertension, Sarmiah Asun said , " My blood sugar levels have always been at a stable level even though I still drink coffee . In fact, I also did not experience any negative effects of coffee consumption as dizzy and tired all the time . However, I only drink coffee without sugar for one to two cups a day. "

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